David Ekinsmyth

Parish Councillor for Illogan and local campaigner Learn more

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Update on issues

by superadmin on 17 March, 2009

Parish Plan   I am glad to say that the Household Survey has been drafted and agreed after much hard work by the Steering Group. Many thanks to Rachel Osborne of the Kerrier Regeneration team who has arranged the format and printing for us.

The next stage will be to organise delivery to every household in the Parish and this will be discussed at the next meeting of the Parish Plan and Unitary Committee (see Parish web site link for date and time).

We need as many responses as we can get so please do. There are a lot of questions but none of them will take very long to answer. All members of the household can respond so if you need more forms contact the Clerk or me.

Area Action Plan  There have been further consultation meetings with the Kerrier planning team where they discussed any amendments to the plan following earlier consultations. Some movement has been detected with regard to houses around Park Bottom, but by no means enough for the residents of the area who want none!

At a meeting of the Park Bottom Action Group it was decided to seek a parish poll on the issue and this is going to be discussed a the full council meeting on March 18th. There should be an interested audience there so come along and here the debate.

I do not think there is much chance that any development will take place in the near future with the situation in the countrry at the moment. Developers will not build if they cannot sell or more importantly cannot raise the finance from the banks. However it is very important to maintain pressure on the planners to make sure we don’t get large scale building in the future. Camborne are organising similarly as they have belatedly woken up to the significance of the  plans as it affects them. In the end we will need to look at the area as a piece and the new Community Network Area will be the place.

The Parish plan household survey has a section on  this and will be a poll in its own right that will enable us to look forward.

Unitary Authority  The date of the election for the new Cornwall Council has been decided by the Government as Thursday June 4th in line with all other local elections in England and the European election.

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