Parish Councillor for Illogan and local campaigner Learn more
by superadmin on 23 April, 2009
I am very disappointed that the Budget presented by the Chancellor yesterday did not tackle many of the long term issues that it could have done. It cerainly did not do much for the hard pressed residents of Illogan whether they be young people, working/non-working families or pensioners. The local housing planning fiasco highlights the need for a big increase in affordable rented houses, aka council houses but the piffling amount allocated to this will hardly touch touch the number required. I will expect that our new Cornwall Council will take a lead in this area. The opportunity was missed to reduce the tax levels of the lower and middle income earners, who are the very people who would spend the additional amounts because they have to rather than save.
If you would like to see what our MP Julia Goldsworthy thinks then go to her piece on YouTube as follows :
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